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"Master" Résumé

"Master" Résumé


Feel prepared by creating a "master" résumé capturing every bit of your career experience in one document, so that you can easily take elements of it to tailor your professional materials for the job hunt.

Your Package Includes:

  • 1-Hour Resume Consult (By Phone or Skype)

  • Professional Branding + Brainstorming Session

  • Full Resume Revamp

  • 2 Sets of Revisions

  • PDF + Editable Resume Documents


This package is catered to mid-to-high level executives to showcase the breadth and depth of their career progression. It highlights every aspect of their leadership, achievements, and skill mastery.




"I have a perfected master [resume] that can be revised when needed!" 

Megan, Sales Professional


    No refunds are available for any Write For The Job services once a draft or final product is given to a client. Discounts and prices are subject to change at any time.

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